JAC Cuttings grows Geraniums in the so-called special Fibre-Neth® plugs. These consist of 95% coir and so have excellent drainage properties. In combination with our cultivation floor and horizontal drainage, we have relatively few problems with mildew, which is very important when cultivating Geraniums.
We grow the most common cantabrigiense varieties such as Biokovo and St. Ola but also macrorrhizum varieties such as Spessart and White Ness. Geraniums macr. White Ness is a magnificent bright white flowering Geranium that we expect to become popular in the coming years. We also cultivate large numbers of Geranium Johnson's Blue and various sanguineum varieties such as Tiny Monster and Max Frei.
Depending on the weather, we can usually supply the first Geraniums in week 16 of each year. It's also possible to supply some varieties later in the season, for example, in September. To guarantee good quality later in the season, it is important to make clear arrangements about the delivery week.